PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the most widely used server-side scripting languages for web development. Whether you’re creating a small dynamic website or a complex web application, PHP provides a solid foundation. If you’re a beginner, starting with simple PHP scripts can help you understand the basics before diving into advanced concepts.
In this guide, we’ll cover two essential PHP starter codes that every beginner should try. These examples will help you grasp fundamental PHP concepts and build confidence in writing PHP scripts.

1. Hello World – Your First PHP Script
The “Hello, World!” program is a classic starting point for learning any programming language. In PHP, this script is simple and straightforward.
echo "Hello, World!";
<?php ... ?>
– This is the opening and closing PHP tag.echo "Hello, World!";
– This prints the text “Hello, World!” on the web page.
Where to Run This Code?
- You can run this code on a local server using XAMPP or WAMP.
- Alternatively, you can use online PHP compilers like PHP Fiddle.

2. Simple PHP Contact Form
A contact form is a fundamental part of any website. Below is a basic PHP script to handle form submissions.
HTML Form:
<form action="process.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
Email: <input type="email" name="email"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
PHP Script (process.php
$name = htmlspecialchars($_POST["name"]);
$email = htmlspecialchars($_POST["email"]);
echo "Thank you, $name. We have received your email ($email).";
captures form data sent via POST method.htmlspecialchars()
prevents XSS attacks by escaping special characters.- The script processes user input and displays a confirmation message.
Where to Run This Code?
- Save the HTML and PHP files in your local server directory (e.g.,
in XAMPP). - Open the HTML file in a browser and submit the form.

These two PHP starter codes introduce fundamental concepts like outputting text and handling form submissions. As you progress, explore more PHP functionalities like working with databases, sessions, and APIs.
For further learning, visit:
- PHP Official Documentation
- W3Schools PHP Tutorial
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